The Seducer's Diary


"The Seducer's Diary", selected from the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard's collection "Either/Or: A Fragment of Life", is written in the form of a diary and resembles a novelistic theme. The content describes how the protagonist, Johannes, is deeply attracted to a young girl named Cordelia. He then meticulously employs various seductive tactics, leading Cordelia through a progression from disgust and fear to obsession and ultimate devotion. Johannes initially has no intention of marrying Cordelia, not out of irresponsibility or to toy with her, but rather to resist the banality of marriage. He hopes that they can forever remain in the phase of love, unaffected by external customs, pursuing a profound emotional connection of soulful communication. In the end, Johannes disentangles himself from Cordelia in what he considers a poetic manner, escaping the love that has become pale and habitual due to loss of resistance.

Date: 17-20/8/2007

Venue: Cattle Depot Theatre

Playwright: Wang Chia Ming

photo: Leo Yuen