New Writing: An Actor’s Approach 2021 - Live Irruption / Pool (no water)

New Writing: An Actor’s Approach 2021 - Live Irruption / Pool (no water)

The COVID-19 pandemic forced the cancellation of most performing arts events, including the 2020 tour of "Pool (no water)." Everyday social life and collaborative work were severely restricted. However, even amidst disruption, limitations can spark creativity and bring about transformation. 

A team of actor, director, dramaturg, video designer, and sound designer came together to transform this cancelled tour into a series of digital presentations. Combining the past year's social context, actors' stories, and collective creation, they produced sixteen online video episodes.  Drawing from the performers' lived experiences, they share stories of artists, exploring the interplay between life and creation.  

Finally, this exploration will return to the stage, presented as a performance.

Living Through Pandemic

As the pandemic continues, and everyday social life and collaborative work remain restricted, On & On invited a number of theatre colleagues to create eleven short films about "Living Through Pandemic." 

Monologues Through the Lens

The pandemic forced the cancellation of the 2020 Shanghai tour.  Faced with these limitations, the creative team actively sought to transform "Pool" into an online presentation. They experimented with different camera angles to suit the scenes, exploring the possibilities of rehearsing ensemble scenes and monologues within the constraints of social distancing. 

Online programme

Curator: Chan Ping-chiu

Director of “LIving Through Pandemic”: Chow Wai-chuen

Showcase Director of “Pool (no water)”: Chan Wai-hung