20 & ON in Full Blossom: Exhibition in Documents

20 & ON in Full Blossom: Exhibition in Documents

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of On & On, this exhibition in documents is a tapestry of diverse narratives, microscopic fragments, tangible yet inexhaustible. A moment in time, remnants of two decades, insufficient to reconstruct a complete stage setup, yet each an indispensable pebble beneath the red brick walls.

Visitors to this document exhibition will have the opportunity, through self-guided exploration, to meticulously examine these pebbles, each telling their own On & On story. Twenty years ago, On & On moved into the Cattle Depot Artists Village, carving out a niche for artistic experimentation, gradually establishing a professional black box theatre. From our carefully curated 'artifacts' and 'documents,' one can glimpse the diverse forces propelling the theatre group forward, including the broader context of dramatic arts, Hong Kong culture, and society over the past two decades.

Date: 9/3-8/4/2018

Venue: Cattle Depot Theatre

Curator: Vee Leong

photo: hongnin.