Kassandra oder die Welt als Ende der Vorstellung

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The Cantonese staging of Kevin Rittberger’s highly dialectical theatre text.

African girl Blessing, trying every means to enter Europe from her homeland. What should have been less than a month's journey took her five full years. She met and bonded with a young man named Babaka, together boarding an overloaded rubber dinghy. In seas darker than African history, they foresaw false promises and illusions of freedom.

Are the thousands of different refugee stories actually all the same? Is tragedy inevitable, foreseeable but unstoppable? On the other side of the sea, European journalists, documentary filmmakers, writers, and translators face the task of retelling and gazing upon others' pain, debating the efficacy and futility of language. From the perspective of the Other, a post-disaster mythology is being proclaimed.

Date: 31/3-3/4, 5-10/4/2017

Venue: Unit 12, Cattle Depot

Text: Kevin Rittberger

Director: Vee Leong

photo: Carmen So, YC Kwan